Steven Universe FAQs

No.110662934 ViewReplyOriginalReport
@GETTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH do you think that Steven Universe's healing power could also come from milking his big fat man-titties until they lactate all over the injured? Do you think Steven could milk himself for the greater good? Do you think Pearl would milk Steven's man-chesticles into jars so they would have left over for future incidents? Do you think Steven Universe would like being milked? Do you think his milk would be pink or white? If we milked Steven Universe's gigantic gorged man flaps right out of the puffy inverted nipple onto an injured person do you think they would live or die? If you sucked on a Steven Tit would it make you stronger? Do you think Peridot would suck on a Steven Tit? Would the Diamonds suck on Steven's Tit to try and experience their sister again? What if we made Steven Spit on his Big Male Bosom and then milked the tit?