Powers of X #6 Spoilers

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The first few pages are just a reprint of the Moira/Xavier meeting scene from Powers of X #1...but now...there be SPOILERS...

X^3: The Librarian enters the Preserve and is attacked by...mutants? Because the Librarian? He isn't a mutant. None of these blue-skinned people are mutants...Hickman tricked us into thinking mutants were ascending in this timeline, but they aren't...."humans" are...if you re-read the end of Powers of X #1 this is all right there

The Earth is now ruled by "homo navissima"...post-humans who have integrated their systems with machine which allows them to be absorbed by the Phalanx. Yes...mutants lost the war because mutants always lose...mutants are not the next evolutionary step for humans...and they never will be. In this timeline, mutants are nearly extinct except for a few...including Wolverine...and Moira...

The Librarian is aware that Ascension will be happening tomorrow...so he needs to send Moira off planet...because if Moira dies in the Ascension, then the Phalanx won't reach the Dominion and Godhood won't be achieved...but the Librarian is having seconds thought about post-humanity's Ascension...

...he wants Moira to convince him that she could prevent humans from ever reaching Ascension in another life if she was given the chance, but at this rate...it's purely an inevitability for humans to reach this point...a cycle that never ends...

So it's revealed to Moira that machines are not the real enemy of mutants...humans are, and humans always will be...humans just use the machine to buy themselves more time. In the end...the Librarian is not convinced that Moira could do anything to prevent this and he takes his offer back...but Wolverine kills him. Then...Wolverine tells Moira "This is what I do." and kills her.

...and so ended the sixth life of Moira X.