No.109895595 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It was all ME /co/!
>It was ME who told Tom King Heroes in Crisis was a good idea!
>It was ME who sent Bendis to DC!
>It was ME who created Teen Lantern!
>I'M the reason Waid is a complete spaz!
>It's ME who's keeping King on Batman!
>It was ME who kept Jason Aaron on Thor all these years!
>It was ME who hired Zach Snyder to make the DCEU!
>It was ME that cancelled Green Lantern: TAS
>It was ME who cancelled Spectacular Spider-Man!
>It was ME who wrote OMD!
>It was ME who ruined Spider-Man 3
>It was ME who ruined Fant4stic!
>It was ALLLL MMMMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!