
No.109515295 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's compile what we know of the Irken:
>They are typically the size of 12 year old human children.
>They value the literal body height of individuals above skill and accomplishment.
>They breed purely through artificial means but do have sexes.
>Most of brain power is located in a cybernetic enhancement.
>Said enhancement is also a life-support system and encodes their station.
>Whoever is the tallest will become "leader" and is stretched out to make sure they stay tallest longer.
>The leader doesn’t seem to do much beyond overseeing invasions of other planets.
>Liquid water burns their skin.
>Their blemishes have a hypnotic effect on humans.
>Computers appear to make more important decisions than the official leaders.
>They have both insect and reptile like features.
>Despite their claims of superiority to all other species, a signifigant portion of their technology was engineered by other species.
>Creating an empire seems to mostly be an excuse to make room for parking lots and junk food factories.

What can we deduce about them?