No.108895278 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why was Uncle Iroh such a fucking traitor? He claims to care about Zuko yet when faced with the Avatar he barely made any effort to capture him, letting him go without a fight in some cases (June fight) (not telling him of Appa as refugees). He's all like "FOLLOW YOUR OWN DESTINY, ZUKO!!!" Yet he regularly manipulates him to choose the "good side" of things (Freeing appa) He seems to to hate Azula and attempts to make Zuko feel the same way "Azula's crazy, she needs to be put down" Zuko obviously doesn't hate his sister as despite all of her BS she put him though he is concerned for her well being (Extremely upset when he thinks she's about to fall to her death) (Solemn when she cries after the agni kai, despite her attempt to kill him) (not putting her in jail despite everything) Iroh is no better than than Ozai in his deeds either as he literally killed the dragons and assaulted ba sing se.