The Dragon Prince

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Dragon prince had a panel at SDCC, with a bit of news but no Season 3 date. Can't seem to find any tweets from the panel that aren't filled with breathless speculation and rumors but there's an article covering it at least:


>Along with the info dump, Ehasz and Richmond gave fans an exclusive look at book 3. The clip was a flashback, opening with Sol Regem, the sun dragon, soaring over the open water. He lands on a mountain and meets Ziard, a dark mage. ”I smell death,” the dragon tells the human, before asking him kindly to give up on dark magic. Ziard pushes back: dark magic is what brought humans out of the age of starvation, helped them grow beyond being lesser beings.

>“YOU ARE LESSER BEINGS,” the dragon snaps.

>The dragon threatens to destroy the city of Elarium if the human doesn’t give up dark magic. He takes flight, and the human shoots a spiral of purple smoke into the sky, channeling dark magic. He drains the life of a flock of birds. The dragon wheels around to take care of this problem. They shoot twin fireballs at each other. The human appears to be vaporized. The dragon crashes into the sea. And that’s that.