No.108793992 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok, hear me out

>hulk spends 5 years after the snap as an actual superhero for once instead of an angry monster that sometimes punches bad guys
>he’s popular as fuck among the public, and is truly accepted now because he’s articulate and calm
>he’s now one of the last surviving original avengers
>he severely injured himself bringing back half of all life, meaning he’s gonna be even MORE super popular (seriously, can even Ross publicly call him a menace without people laughing at him at this point?)

Is it time for Professor Hulk to become... President Hulk?

Would you be in favour of the MCU having professor hulk run for president and win on the back of, basically being one of the greatest heroes in history?

Also, it amuses me to see the Hulk wearing glasses and clothes. I want to see him wearing a presidential suit and giving speeches about the economy