Reverse-Earth Marvel thread

No.108453573 ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: A thread where Marvel's heroes and villains are now the opposite alignment and other shit.
Basic rundown on some shit:
>Spider-Man is an incel REEEEEEEEEing across New York City after he shot up Midtown
>Venom is a true chad who gets all the women unlike Parker
>Carnage is essentially a 90's drug PSA mascot who tells kids that violence ain't cool, while also not killing anyone in fights with his chainsaw hands
>The Punisher is a pacifistic preacher leading a cult that's responsible for some of the worst drugs in New York
>Wakanda has assimilated most of Africa and is slowly encroaching into Europe
>HYDRA is a German organization that formed during WW2 and planned to overthrow Hitler and bring Germany to peace, but was too late
>Doctor Doom is less a single man and more of an idea, an anarchistic movement of powerful individuals who want to free this world from the shackles of the villains who control it
>Namor is exactly the same
>Solarius Galactus is a divine being praised as a God by many worlds, who gives life to planets without any life on them
>Hank Pym is a guy who keeps on trying to do evil shit but fucks up and does good shit instead