No.108102630 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It seems leak was true

>Kamala Khan will 100% be a central protagonist in Avengers Project. The Avengers have been disbanded for a while (due to a "catastrophic" event) and she will play an integral role in reassembling the team.
>Heavy story focus throughout (drawing moreso from comics vs MCU)
>Can be played entirely SOLO with you controlling 1 character and AI taking over the remaining 1-3. Up to 4 player co-op with friends (this # hasn't changed last I heard).
>Crashed Helicarrier will serve as your main hub.
>Kingdom Hearts-like world/level design. Think multiple large worlds/levels vs 1 huge open world map. The levels are large enough to accomodate flight based characters.
>There's definitely no "loot" like you'd find in your typical looter shooter (common - legendary drops). Everything is mostly powers based, hence the character skill trees. For example, you won't be finding Iron Man thrusters of different rarities throughout the map.
>Unless it's changed, Ms. Marvel, Iron Man and Hulk will make up the team build early on in the game (story reason).