No.107404931 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>where were you?
>theres a lot of planets in the universe and unfortunately they didnt have you guys, tee hee silly men ;)

>wrinkly ball-faced space man with a fruity complexion spends decades fucking up thousands of worlds, killing billions upon trillions
>Bitch wasnt there
>the core-world of a galactic empire was annihilated by some grape flavored motherfucker and he stole an infinity stone, then fucked up the Asagardians, stole another stone, then fucked up Knowhere, got another stone
>Bitch still wasnt there
>Purple Drank looking motherfucker went to Earth which was known to have had multiple infinity stones circulating through it while in possession of multiple himself
>Bitch still wasnt there
>This barney the dinosaur looking motherfucker becomes a demi-god and takes out half of all life
>Bitch STILL wasnt there

What the fuck was this stupid retard doing, then?