No.106833559 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Loki: Barely kills anyone but pretty based
>Obadiah stane: Kills one dude and is a evil mastermind, pretty good
>Crimson Dynamo: Lame
>evil elf whatever from thor 2: ZZZzzzzz
>Hela: nice costume, she just throws knives or whatever, watered down by the mouse
>Abomination: ZZZzzzz
>Yellow Jacket: Pretty evil, but still held back by Disney
>Vulture: Well done. Spider-man has good villians, but he still kills like, nobody.
>invisible whatever from antman 2: boring
>Killmonger: Kill no one
>Red Skull: see him kill almost no one. Wont even wear a swastika.
>The Mandarin: Accidentally kills a guy
>Ultron: Quip-a-tron

Pic related fucking murders people in a PG-13 movie. DC has the best villains.