Avengers Infinity War

No.106377075 ViewReplyOriginalReport
With Endgame fast approaching how would you rate Infinity War in The MCU? Did it surpass your expectations? personally, I thought it was just ok far from what I was hoping for

>Whole subplot with Scarlet Witch and Vision was boring (If you are gonna give them focus at least make them interesting first).
>Through the movie Thanos literally killed no one except for Gamorra and that was only for the stone. At least have him kill someone in the fights.
>Thanos arrival on earth was lame. Just him beating everyone down with barely any effort in slow motion
>Thor overpowers him way too easily, talk about anticlimactic. They don't even give him a cool fight.
>Whole battle on earth with Captain America and the Outsiders. Just generic monsters.
>Black Order are complete shit except for Maw.