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Would you read MAX LANDIS take on Wonder Woman?
>What Landis says he is interested in is creating a fundamentally awful version of the character than will piss off everyone, which is “SO MUCH FUN!” While he feels that his Superman’s only flaw is the limits of what he knows and that he makes impulsive choices, his Batman is essentially a monstrous sociopath, but who won’t kill because killing is wrong, his Wonder Woman would be really terrible, as she’d come from a society that hates men, she can kill anyone who argues with her and will, and while there’s a lot of interesting places to take this interpretation of the character, she’s from a society of warriors who “CUT THEIR BOOBS OFF” and who killed all the men, except the cute ones, bred with them and THEN killed them. How she is even on the Justice League amazes him, as he considers Wonder Woman to be the “sickest most bad ass punisher.” He then described a fight sequence where Superman and Batman have to team up to stop her, and after she brutally attacks them, leaving Superman almost missing an eye, Superman is finally able to defeat her by kissing her and sucking all the air out of her lungs.