
No.104924111 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This was lurking in recommendeds for a while but finally went away.
I know there's no phrasing for it without being incelposter bait, but does anyone else find it difficult to sympathize with attractive women in abusive relationships? There's 100 million grown men in the US, it's hard to believe you just had to fall head over heels with a single abusive person. The same goes for anyone in abusive relationships, really. It's not 1954, walking away from relationships is incredibly easy prior to having kids, albeit harder for men (because a vindictive ex girlfriend has more power to try ruining your life than a vindictive ex boyfriend -- short of the greater likelihood for the latter outright murdering you, anyway). When I hear stories about people having abusive partners, it in the modern age, it always comes off as "pity me any my shit taste"