No.104441992 ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are SO full of CRAP /co/

You thought this movie was gonna suck

It didn't, it was fantastic

You thought the blue-haired lady was the villain

She wasn't, I even think she was one of the most helpful Disney characters ever

You thought this movie was gonna get all SHW and stuff

It didn't, maybe there were one or two lines that made me cringe but hey just throw a bone at tumblr so they shut up for another two years

You thought Shank was gonna be a Mary Sue

...okay you were right, but at least she wasn't gay

My point is, Ralph 2 was great, I absolutely recommend it

It's great not just for casuals, but especially for Disney fans

Trust me, I was one of the most vocal antagonists of this movie on the board

Then I actually watched it, and I realized it was wrong

It's not even close to being like the Emoji movie

It's funny, visually stunning, witty and charming

Even Vaneloppe was sympathetic in this one, and I liked her song number

I would even daresay I liked it better than the first movie

So please, don't hesitate to go and watch the film

Every user criticizing the film haven't actually watched it

I was one of them, don't be a fool

Disney isn't dead, this is a new revival