No.103895398 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Andrew Hussie apparently did an "interview" with The Washington Post recently in celebration of the upcoming release of the third of several physical Homestuck re-collections.

Instead of linking the published interview, I'm going to link the complete transcript of the questions that the Post sent and his 3,000-plus word reply.

>My answers here sound exactly the same as my commentary. At the end of the day, it's really all part of the same huge pile of piping hot baloney. If you enjoy whatever it is I'm doing here, first of all, thanks I guess? Second of all, please get some help. Third of all, go to your local book store, wrestle the final copy of "Homestuck" they have in stock out of the hands of the teen who was just about to buy it, and then buy it yourself. I promise you won't regret it. Unless the teen tries to kick your ass. In which case, sorry, you're on your own.