Mark Waid ruins lives.

No.103850188 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>My name is Amanda. I am a 30 year old comic book fan from Scotland.

>6 years ago, I ran afoul of Dan Slott and Stephen Wacker when I was critical of Slott’s take on Black Cat in Spider-Man on a message board. They began stalking me on the forum and telling me to “fuck off” or insisting that I was a 40 year old virgin guy who lives in his Mom’s basement. When I proved that claim to be false 8 individual times, their aggression quickly extended to - and wound up mostly targeting - my husband who also posted on the forum. Really, though, they were chump change, they were sad little trolls who never were able to deal with any criticism and as soon as they found out I was actually a woman, they were completely lost with how to deal with it, so they instead slandered my husband across multiple different websites and got him banned from forums. CBR, Crawlspace, Comicvine, articles and write-ups on websites I’d contributed to, comments sections… they insisted we were racists and sexists and the stuff that’s seen as the usual guff now.