Mega Man Fully Charged

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FC got its first hiatus, and it's only 4 weeks!

Episode 21 - Rush to greatness
>Rush puts his new battle upgrades to the test in a battle with Wave Man.
Episode 22 - Enter namagem
>Namagem attacks Mega Man using a variety of powers, revealing that they both can replicate schematics, although Namagem can carry more than three at a time.
Episode 23 - Minus mini
>When Mega Mini is kidnapped by Blasto Woman, Mega Man must track down his missing partner without the full use of his own systems.
Episode 24 - A cut above
>Aki and Bert accidentally damage a bonsai tree outside the Lighthouse, sending the Lights' perfectionist gardener on a slicing-and-dicing spree as Cut Man.
Episode 25 - A bot and his dog
>Tired of fielding of low-stakes house calls, Mega Man gets what he wishes for when Hypno Woman hijacks the local power plant.
Episode 26 - This man, this man man
>When Guts Man goes on a ravenous rampage across the city, Mega Man must turn to an unlikely ally: Man Man, a bumbling, DIY human analog to Mega Man.

returns November 11