Your Cartoon Show Life

No.103014874 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Describe your life, parents, ideology, aspirations, upbringing, girlfriends, friends, and /co/ will try to make a comedic interesting cartoon show based on you, but extremely warped.

My cartoon is about the mis/adventures of a cute kitten named Max. He goes through all sorts of cartoon cliches which he handles his own way. He can't find his place in the world. He often enters other people's cartoons like The Loud House, South Park, Rick n Morty, Fanily Guy. He progresses on living an above average life, but something about himself constantly makes him unhappy.

An ongoing gag is that the kitten tries to comedically kill a Rasputin-like character, but at the end of the episode Rasputin always comes alive 100% healthy, much to the kitten's dismay. (at the end of the series revealing why he's disappointed)

Despite looking good he's very insecure about his looks. His personality: half the time he's naturally affectionate, charming and caring, the other half he's an indifferent sadistic realist who enjoys severing friendships.
His voice and personality switches between innocent, cute and cuddly to handsome, mature, psychotic.

He has a love/hate relationship with his mother and that's it.
His other relatives aren't included cause they're too boring.
He's a programmer and hacker (to make him more interesting). And he's a small entrepreneur in the making trying to make it big, but still living off of little.

He flirts in a typical woman manner.
He's approached by ugly's and brunnetes but constantly rejects them in a very upset manner. (Johnny Bravo girl style).

Every episode he has a new friend(one-shot characrers) which at the end of the episode he tells them to fuck off. The recurring quality characters he actually feels bad for losing.

He's proactive and competent to make the show work, but he's full of flaws which at one point will get tiresome.