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Adventure Time and Regular Show are going to be joining Adult Swim January 2109. This is due to the fact that Funimation recently stated they intend to raise the licensing price for all things Dragon Ball if Cartoon Network/Adult Swim, if they intend to air it more than once a week. They were willing to turn a blind eye when Super was airing once a night M-F, but with two episodes a night now, it's got Funimation wanting more money.

Plan will be to air Adventure Time and Regular Show in the 8-9PM slot. If they do well, there is talk about rotating Steven Universe into the spot as well.

Dragon Ball Z will get the 9PM slot, with American Dad at 9:30PM and Bob's Burger from 10-11PM.

Also, there is talk about Adult Swim adding the old DIC/Cloverway Sailor Moon dub from the 90s to the line-up as well.

It's a complicated situation, but basically the gist of it: Cartoon Network possesses the only remaining masters of the original dub of Sailor Moon in rather pristine condition. And Toei, realizing the nostalgia boom and wanting to get Sailor Moon back in the public eye after the flop that was Crystal, is willing to cut a deal with them over the TV rights in exchange for Cartoon Network giving them access to the masters so they can be duplicated and used to reissue the DIC/Cloverway dub ala how Funimation re-released the original US dub of Dragonball Z a couple of years back.

There are issues with Hulu and Viz that have to be sorted out, but they hope to have the show back on the air by fall of 2019.