No.102684206 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So apprently, a bunch of Klancetards were insatisfied because their ship wasn't confirmed canon in s7.
In all their wisdom, instead of accepting that their ship isn't going to happen, they decided to make an AU/reboot, and later a kickstarter. According to them, the original series is a racist, homophobic, queerbaiting pile of shit, and decided to make an improved version, named Leakira. It gained a shit ton of traction and became super popular (enough to have a few topics about it on Reddit at least).
Some highlights include:
>It takes place in a futuristic, cyber-punk themed a city overrun with totally-not-galras
>They decided to change the names of the characters to more ethnic names.
> Lance is Leandro, a full cuban bisexual and Keith is Akira a gay Japanese-Filipino man (instead of Galra), hence Leakira
>Shiro is named Hachiko (yes, after the famous dog. It's probably a roundabout way of calling him Bitch), Akira's adoptive dad, doesn't have ptsd anymore
and is married to Dante, which is brazillian not-Adam (is Dante even a popular brazillian name?)
>Allura is Alzina a lesbian, Romelle is Rowan, a lesbian and Pidge is Layla a genderfluid asexual.(Notice how they forgot about Hunk)
>The alteans are muslim. Probably because they think it's exotic, even though it makes no sense.
>Nyma and Rolo the thieves, are Romani and Hispanic of all ethnicities