what are you thoughts on it?

No.102449799 ViewReplyOriginalReport
ok so i like the main character and the 2 secondary characters. high 5 and jailbreak. the story is this. "the main charter thinks he is suppose to be this one thing that society wants him to be, but at the end its better to be himself." some elements are " love between the main character and the female secondary character." as well and the owner of the phone and this girl he has a crush on the secondary character thinks the world revolves around him, but not as much at the end." so its a 3 or 4 stars out of 5 movie. the animation is 4.5 or 5 stars out of 5. and production value is 5 stars out of 5. i liked this movie i enjoyed the time i spent seeing it. so yeah, i think it has to do with how the characters were written and who acted on them. that is a 4.5 or 5 stars out of 5. so member when word spared of the movie. that was bad press. so the more bad press it will get the more that people will see it just to see if the bad press was right just so they can poke fun of it for the rest of their life, see if the bad press was right but it turns out it was a band wagon, or just to see if its soooo bad its good. well its soooo bad that its stnks of main steam big corporations that filthy causales and fucking norimes will see, but the way it was executed that those who arent those two things will enjoy it. in short, its a feel good movie that, while its aimed at normies and filty causles, it can also attract those who just want to have a good time and feel good. think of MLP, aimed at little girls but because its also a feel good cartoon it brings in an older audience that want to feel good at the end of the day. (IE long hour work jobs that you hate and dosent pay well with little to no benifits.)
so here is my rating for the emoji movie, 4.9/5 stars. the reason is that its a feel good movie