Avengers Infinity War Commentary Notes

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/co/ absolutely BTFO

>Thanos beat Hulk with pure technique, no stone assistance.

>Valkirye survived with several Asgardians, "pray for Korg" - Markus

>Xandar battle omitted to avoid repetition and focus on more emotional scenes

>Tony assumed Steve might know of vision's location because of Wanda being with Steve

>Hulk uninterested in saving Banner, not afraid.

>Elapsed time no more than 2 days across entire movie.

>Guardians picked up the Groot language over time

>Thanos is described as an extreme sociopath with a messianic complex. Hence his insistence on balance through genocide, not doubling resources.

>Thanos was transported to or hallucinated / visualised the Soulworld after the snap.

Plenty more production and storytelling tidbits in the full commentary, check it out.