Thanos killed the DC universe?

No.100488516 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Was introducing Thanos and pulling him off successfully the final nail in the coffin for DC movies? Thanos is widely accepted and liked by pretty much everyone, and for a major comic event villain to be introduced and loved by normies is unheard of.

I see videos talking about Thanos and his comic lore all over YouTube now, Darkseid and any DC content has been pushed to the shadows for shit like “Top 10 worst things Thanos has done”. Not to mention Thanos being introduced to Fortnite, which is trash but still unheard of.

For a character of Thanos scale to be introduced and well received and outright loved by casuals to this degree pretty much means DC is dead right? They can’t even pull the Darkseid card now, and it’s no way Darkseid wouldn’t even be able to compete on this scene.