No.100464488 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I gotta ask you nerds a couple questions.

How do you feel about the MCU?
How do you feel about them popularising comic book shit for millions of casuals who never have and when (and if) they do pick up a comic book it'll be exclusively because of the movies?
How do you feel about this flow of idiots commenting on decades old canon shit that they have no idea about outside the movies?

I read a fuck ton of comics as a kid and into my early to mid teens. Afterwards it was only sporadically and eventually I grew out of them all together because this whole superhero shit bores me nowadays.
But it's gotta be a kick in the knackers. The first time I read shit about the Infinity Guantlet was in 96, 22 years ago when I was still a kid. There MUST be guys shitposting here who are older than I am. I know it leaves this horrible feeling in me and this is coming from a guy who hasn't read anything since maybe 2011, can't imagine how it makes you feel.

How do you feel about this?