No.100079642 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Out of all Homestuck, Caliborn is the one who is truly /\/a\/'s guy/ and recognises the superiority of 2D over 3D. This was clear once he looked at the DeviantArt manga in his room and found his true passion. Some may ship him as gay for Jake, troll hate quadrant with Jane or as an incestfag. Those were all lies, red herrings, if you will. The latter was just a typo, not a Freudian slip as believed. You get what he meant.

You may wonder that Tavros' dancestor is the weeabo. But consider this: Tavros himself played the equivalent of Pokemon, not exactly an unknown cartoon in this world. His dancestor therefore must like at best Naruto or also Pokémon. Sollux's dancestor, then, is said to be the personification of 4chan. He however got too insane from browsing it to achieve tsame status, besides, he might have kept to /g/ since he's descended from a hacker, Sollux.

However, true anime cannot be achieved in the form of a webcomic cartoon. So he kept to light moe drawings by Dirk. Yet, he never tried to mate with a Cherub in the end, as expected from his species. This is what set him on his quest to remove himself from all ties to 3D by becoming LE and erasing universes until he created his masterpiece.