Josh Lesnik tried to kill himself

No.96350824 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The guy who made Cute Wendy, Girly, You Suck and made Slipshine tried to commit suicide.

for those of you not in the know the Editor of Iron Comics rejected his comic You Suck due to the fact that there are lost of sex scene of dubious consent in it. Understandable, yes? hos response was to send hateful messages calling her a bad person and a coward over Facebook's messaging system.
this isnt new behaviour for him at all. in fact people who worked with him at Slipshine were rather well versed with him sending personal venomous messages to people who ignored his press releases, and other minor disagreements and slights. he did so to friends and artists working for him.
but this is the first time he was actually called out on this behavior. he played the victim for a bit, trying to excuse the behavior and whining about how he used to be a bigger deal. but as a guy who had depression who self medicated with booze and burgers he's hard to feel bad for

what do yall think?