No.3798389 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I grew up in the most soulless generation for pop culture. 2007-2012 was dark age for comics, movies, music, tv, video games etc.

Video Games: Brown and bloom, Japanese and PC gaming in a creative decline, DLCs, Wii, microtransactions, most games from this era being mediocre or downright shitty

Movies: Endless as fuck remakes/sequels, shitty comedy/parody/Happy Madison movies, horror was in a creative drought, very little creativity in those 5 years

TV: CN starts airing shitty canadian shows like Total Drama, Johnny Test, George of The Jungle, Skunk Fu, Chop Socky Chooks,Sidekick, Scaredy Squirrel, reality tv clogging up every network like MTV, TLC and the History Channel. Horrible seasons of once good shows like LOST, 24 and Heroes and all the shitty Disney Channel/Nickelodeon sitcoms

Music: Shitty rappers/autotuned crap like Soulja Boy, Justin Beiber and One Direction

The less said about comics the better

2013 was a transitional period, but since 2014 all these mediums have drastically gotten better delivering us memorable stuff unlike the 2007-12 era which was a cultural wasteland, I feel jealous for kids growing up today.

t.born in 1999