have these pinned:
>>>/g/sqt >>>/g/fglt >>>/vip/should pin these because i check them:
>>>/adv/ >>>/wsr/ >>>/mu/my list used to be longer but i recently purged most of it because i think it was distracting and i didn't really gain anything from visiting the worse boards
>>80564>Also it would be nice if you could put searches on your board list. For example if I clicked /vg/ it would immediately take me to the catalog and show me the /owg/.if you use 4chan-x, you can add it as an external link:
if you don't want it to show /wowg/, you can make it more specific like "#s=overwatch+general+owg"
>>80570>I don't really go to /g/ any more its been the same dumb flame-wars for the last ten years or more straight.most of /g/ is trash but some of the generals are okay like
>>>/g/csg and the ones i listed
i also used to check
>>>/g/wdg but i haven't done any web developing lately