For those who make use of this thread
Now you are in the habitat of
>>80439 sometimes reveal her brutality.Keep out to
>>80439 and never let
>>80439 near you.
Follow the cautions below to avoid
>>80439's hazard.
To keep off from
>>80439, you are ought to follow this:
??Obey watchman's instructions.
??Always be with your group. Independent action is very dangerous
??Don't walk around in early morning, dawn, naight, and fog.
??It's a time for
>>80439 to get active.
??Be sure to have a whistle, a horn or a bell with you.
??Don't leave your leftover foods.
In case of encounting with
>>80439, you have to know that:
??Don't run away from
>>80439 alone. Glare against
>>80439 with all of your group members.
??Running away from
>>80439 is equal to suicide.
??If you get chased by
>>80439, drop your belongings one after another to
>>80439 as you run.
??Don't try to take back your things which
>>80439 get from you.
??Or else you are going to be killed.
??Don't use firecracker. It will frighten
>>80439 and make things worse.
If you need to be close to
>>80439 for researches or taking pictures,
>>80439 from the promnade.?Don't feed him to call.
?????????????????????????The Environment Agency of Hokkaido