meh, he was a better choice than his opponent.
cant say ive been too keen on his pro-israel policy.
I enjoy his stance on immigration.
I enjoy how much the msm blatantly lies about him and how he brought some of it to light with his fake news awards... the whole thing about feeding the koi fish with the japanese prime minister i felt was especially revealing of just how much main stream media lies to us / twists the truth.
I enjoy his overall policy of deregulation
I was neutral on his tax policy. personally I think corporations should have low tax rates and individual high-earners should have high tax rates. it is generally corporations who employ people, generally not the individual, and an individual employer could easily incorporate if he were a high earner.
I do not enjoy how he uses twitter
I do not enjoy how he comes off as a liar
I do not enjoy his renewal of FISA