!!rzVtvILehVu No.53035 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been playing MMOs on and off since I was fourteen, but they never consumed my life since I've always shown some self-restraint. When I was eighteen, a friend of mine, a huge normalfag who hasn't played a video game since he was like twelve, showed interest in an MMO I was playing at the time so I gave him my second account and helped him learn to play the game.

Long story short, he got hopelessly addicted to it, dropped out of university to play the game, gained a lot of weight, and had his girlfriend dump him because he more or less turned into a hikkiNEET that never leaves his apartment.

Okay, lesson learned. Don't introduce people with no natural immunity to addictive video games.

A year ago or so, another normalfag friend of mine told me he watched an anime movie (Sword of the Stranger) recently and liked it and expressed interest in anime. I decided to introduce him to some "entry level" stuff that wouldn't weird him out. You know, Berserk, Claymore, SnK, etc. then eased him into more "weeby" but still "mainstream" stuff like SAO, etc. and after that shared him a couple of those anime recommendation charts and let him find stuff on his own.

A couple of days ago we were going for a drink after work and in his car he was blaring anime OSTs.

I accidentally corrupted another poor innocent soul, haven't I?