No.8193137 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello there!

My apologies for not making a thread here sooner! I am a man of science and math, after all!

Also, my Transcendent Sword is pointing to my opinion for those of us scholars that require eyesight! Mine's terrible, but that's just like, my opinion man! Fuck hippies though. We're scholars, we're masterminds.

We're playing a game of strategy here. RISK Internet. Huge full-scale internet battles and disputes! In fact, could I make a Lelouch analogy for all the /a/nime watchers? Disputed. I do not pilot Knightmare frames and I am not sure if my Chess skills are of adequate use! I haven't played chess in years! Played it when I was a kid though, around the time when Digimon movie came out! 10/10 movie there, but again that's just like, my opinion man!

As Omnimon is also part of the Royal Knights, I feel it would be suitable to delegate a Royal Knight for each board. Kind of like chess, right? Knights are good. Knights are also used in forking moves in Chess where you can block a piece off with a Knight, as well as another piece, usually a Rook or Bishop. And if there's 2 pieces in the road of my King, that's pretty much Checkmate. What a fucking Knightmare!

As we are all logical, rational, reasonable thinking men here, I find the dispute will be quite enriching!

Omnimon = The internet. All of us. Every single person on the internet. Because of this attribute, I can bounce from board to board and do whatever the fuck I want. Get in my way? Fuck you. Supreme Cannon the fuck out of your face!