Ever since I read Harold speed's "The practice & science of drawing" I felt like as if everything started to click in my head, especially the need to do "academic/master" studies.
Although I do agree that "just draw bro" is the name of the game, if you have a solid plan on how to accurately copy/measure things be it in your head or on paper, the whole puzzle comes together and slowly come to realize that it's simply a skill you have to meticulously train.
>>6012978I remember Sheldon Borenstein mentioning in one of his NMA videos talking about the experience his students go through, which is "digesting a rat". no one can measure how long it's gonna take them to fully "digest" it but there'll come a time where it just "clicks" and all of the sudden you're dumbfounded by your own work.
>Mfw I started to mentally picture plumb lines, angles, measurements and vividly recall how it looksit truly is black magic man.