Does sucking @life means you suck @drawing too?

No.6009045 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I failed as chef student back then since I was too permaprebeg in my gastronomy classes, teachers couldn't stand me fucking it up every single time and I also was sad since I didn't want to do things bad, I tried and practiced with no results while I saw everyone improving and becoming chefs I was never able to cook something decent or hell at least decorate a dish decently.

This happens to me at drawing too, I practice every single day including weekends for more than 10 hours and I still forget everything and become prebeg after each new drawing.

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me at this point?
I can't even articulate sentences, I am too sad and my brain is too shit at the moment.

I will kms one of these days, perhaps in an alternate reality I made it as a comic/manga artist.