>>6002544Oh and also hotkeys in blender
>shift+a brings up the create shape menu >mesh>cube or whatever >click on whatever you want and it will appear>tab to switch modes (to go to edit)>edit lets you change an existing shape >control+1, ctrl 2, ctrl 3 will let you pick vertices edges or faces respectively >ctrl 3 to select a face then click a face, then hit i for inset (creates a new face within a face), hit s to scale the face, hit e to extrude the face>the more vertices something has the slower your shit will be but anything less than like 50000 is perfectly fine Basically this workflow lets you create scene blockouts
Then the same menu shift+a lets you create a camera, and once you have a camera, hit N to bring up a side menu. With the camera selected and after hitting N you should see a box that says "camera to view". Check this and now you can hold alt and click drag your camera to aim it.