
No.5989738 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it to late to go back?

I stopped drawing at 16/17 , because I wanted to focus on school. I thought art won't get me anywhere in life and my dad always expected me to become some kind of engineer or work in a technical field. Art is basically for homeless fags and generates no money.
Now I'm 19 and come to realize I'll never be happy. Even though I really tried to learn it, I suck at math and it numbs me down. I tried to convince myself I'll eventually get better and start to enjoy it but math and physics problems are just so frustrating and not fun for me. I get good grades, but school isn't the real thing and I believe if I go on to study it on a higher level (What I will have to do eventually ) I will get burned out and finally kill myself.
When I was looking for what to study now after graduating, I didn't find anything that sparked my intrest. I don't have any real passions or strenghts.
Now I don't know how to get back into art. I want to start again but since I basically didn't draw anything serious in the past 3-4 years I suck at it now.

I have nothing now I'm especially good at. School kinda made me suck at everything. I have no redeeming quality that makes me believe I am still worth being alive.

Should I get back into art or just live the rest of my years numbed down until I eventually end it all?