>>5982571The normalfag definition of "autist" is absolutely meaningless at this point, and most actually autistic people aren't intelligent or talented. Social outcasts, robots, wizards, often think of themselves as being autistic to some degree, and simultaneously tend to think themselves to be above the normalfags; but we almost never learn to produce anything good, because we're actually dysgenic retards, and not misunderstood savants, by and large. Normalfags aren't more successful just because they're better at social games, it's because they're usually better in every respect. OP is a turbo hyper uber normalnigger (case in point with the filename and shitty frog meme), so the very mild quirkiness or eccentricity of some successful artists might seem to him as "autistic", because he's a turbo normgroid and even the slightest hair's breadth deviation from the norm will trigger the normalfag instincts of groupthink and natural selection.