Alternative means visual aid in storytelling there are not comicbooks.

No.5949449 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is not 100% my problem, since I'm a pretty fast artist but is more of a suggestion and topic of discussion. What do you guys think of books or any alternative means of storytelling that use pictures a lot but are not necessarily comic books? Is a viable mean of profit or nobody would give a fuck because reading a lot is gay.

I imagine something like homestuck, lots of text but just one picture or even one picture every 2 or 3 pages to aid the visuals but not being as work or skill heavy as comicbooks.

It could be ideal for /beg/s that can't guarantee good quality in each panel or even artists that are more focused on extensive pieces that would take hours to finish, wish to tell a story but wouldn't have the necessary skill sets to do an actual comic book, most of /draw/ I presume. The biggest questionmark here is if anyone would even give a fuck, even if you are the most amazing concept-artist here on this board, if you wrote a 10 page book and did 5 drawings to illustrate the pages and posted in a place like webtoon like a "comicbook" with an alternative format do you think people would give a fuck or would toss aside because the amount of text? Or there are better platforms to accommodate this sort of hybrid. I honestly have been thinking of experimenting with this even for a short story just to see the numbers myself, the problem is coming up with a short story and I already have two experiments ongoing right now.