>>5947184I hate to break it to you, but drugs are mediocre at best. Shrooms are only drug I’ve ever done that didn’t make me feel worse, and the only drug I’m not 100% convinced was a complete waste of time. I especially regret my time as a pothead. Jesus, what a waste.
I really, really hate to be boring, but you should definitely pay attention to *how* you’re treating your mind and body currently, because chances are that something is fucking you up, and you should exhaust all avenues trying to find the source of the problem rather than throwing new junk into the mix with the hope of masking it. So here’s a checklist for you.
Are you getting regular exercise?
Are you getting enough sunshine?
Are you drinking enough water?
Are you drinking too much caffeine?
Are you eating too much sugar?
Are you consuming too many processed foods?
Do you have a balanced diet?
Do you have a food sensitivity you don’t know about?
Are you using screens <1hr before bed?
Do you have a regular sleep cycle, even on the weekends?
Do you ever use your phone/computer in bed? (You shouldn’t)
Are you getting enough social interaction?
Do you spend a lot of time indulging in hyperstimuli, or doing anything which is specifically designed to prey on your reward pathways?
I know this sounds like basic /fit/ shit, but I would be very surprised if you weren’t fucking up one of these things. And if you’re neurodivergent (like ADHD, MDD, etc), there’s a good chance you’re really sensitive to something on my list, or something very similar.