Pixel art is more popular than AAA 3D graphics

No.5947018 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Doing a basic research on amazon, there's 20 merchandising items of zero dawn, 40 items on god of war, and around another 20 items on Unrcharted merch.

Just looking up pixel art, comes with 2 pages of toys.


I had no literal clue wtf this is, which is like a speaker with an old PC case where you can draw some 32x32 sprite on big colored LCD plastic bulbs.

5.6k reviews.

Not a single merch product from any AAA title goes above 400 reviews.

Basically there's more demand and sales for pixel art merchandising than for AAA sony games merchandising.

>inb4 is nintendo only
No, literally pixel art toys about classical paintings and non nintendo games as well, sells more than any merchandising about AAA titles.
Literally books about pixel art sells more than AAA merchandise.