>>5935157I remember this time I posted my absolute best drawing on twit. I still think it's a really good illustration. Of course it wasn't porn. I had put so much fucking effort in it. It got something like a dozen likes, no rts and that was by the very end of its life cycle. Immediately after my drawing on one of the tags (like #drawing or whatever), someone had posted a sloppy line only sketch of gay muscle shit and he made some 3.5k likes within hour, that was already depressing but then I saw this ugly botox-lipped thot's selfie with 15k and counting.
there are pictures of someone's crispy mcbacon that got more traction that the best art I have ever made. like what it is even the point of social media if what you make isn't even going to be a blip on the radar. at the very best when you have a bunch of subscribers they're not even people who comment on what you do, they just consume and move on. if you die or something they might wonder why the channel is down but they'll forget the next week. It really makes you feel worthless. I'd rather have had 1 or 2 friends who really cares about my art and related to it but every other artist I have met saw all of his peers as a vehicle for business so all interaction was founded on followers and doing public shit together. It's terrible. I hate social media so much but I guess that people were waiting for it all along because I wouldn't explain how everyone simply dropped actual human interaction over the span of a few years.