>Hey everyone, just thought I’d take a little break from doing one of my world class drawings to check in on you and see how all of your art… work… is going… nothing, huh? You still haven’t done anything? Not even a single… Oh… yeah, No, I get it! You have a lot to do… you have that Netflix show, you have that video game you need to play, no, I totally get it, drawing is at the bottom of your priority list, you will not do it unless there is absolutely nothing else to do… yet you still expect to have the same skill level as me, got it. Cool.
> vm.tiktok.com/TTPdSSPHnr/
Steven Zapata’s channel mogs this entire board, also general thoughts on his art? Is traditional art even relevant in the current year?
> vm.tiktok.com/TTPdSSPHnr/
Steven Zapata’s channel mogs this entire board, also general thoughts on his art? Is traditional art even relevant in the current year?