No.5919588 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are literally all popular art communities (pretty much discord ones, to be fair) like this?
>Underage shitposters that don't even draw and just post garbage in #general
>People who said have "been drawing for years" and yet are still not even high beg or appealing/skilled in the slightest (makes sense considered those I've meet were literal teenagers)
>Bad advices from the snobby artists in #critique
>People who literally draw like 5 years old and yet get compliments instead of harsh criticism to strive them to improve
>Lots of people that get mad if you give them constructive criticism and what to study
>A few good artists who post just in the art channels without interacting at all in general, they usually left the server at some point
>Usually not any artists that reach relatively high numbers on social media that post there, so you can't build connections.
Not to mention how all the other art "communities" (including this shithole of a board in it's current state) aren't much better at all. Is autistically striving to improve alone abusing all the resources possible and drawing a lot the only way to become a good artist?