This guy lied to me.

No.5907090 ViewReplyOriginalReport
he said that i could make money from my artwork and be successful. but all that i have made in over a year and a half is chump change. the art-market is oversaturated and not welcoming to newcomers.
- i have drawn sfw and have been recognized but praise does not get me money.
- i have drawn nsfw and it's good practice and is honestly the only way to get some money.
- to get followers on twitter, just fuckin follow everybody, they will feel obligated to follow back. but twitter will block you after abusing it too much. put your artwork on rule34 and fucking abuse those tags, abuse them. don't be shy. same for instagram.
- lastly you must be at-least average with your artwork. but high in creativity. no such thing as "getting good"
Is there anything else i've missed?