No.5897814 ViewReplyOriginalReport
"Drawing is not a sprint, but a marathon"
Do you agree?

Personal opinion:
Some people on /ic/ think that they have to practice 12 hours a day, but in truth the best artists are those who create something and improve gradually, slowly, over a long amount of time.
This culture of doing everything fast, of sprinting so to say, is detrimental to humans.
I believe that we should accept our human limitations and do things we do enjoy, and sometimes improve areas of our work that we dislike.
Do we really have to master perspective and learn about every part of the human body? I think not. We should learn enough to transfer the meaning to our viewers.
We'll never represent reality as good as a photograph.
You are free to express your opinion, but please, if you are white, express your thoughts with empathy. Remember that you are talking to humans.