No.5891324 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I feel like I've reached a point I can only describe as "/int/ crossroads", I've come to understand basically all the fundamentals and can apply them effectively in my work with ease, and with enough time and polish I can make any sort of work I want and be fairly satisfied with the result.

I have no idea where to go from here skill-wise though, since I never had that many things I wanted to draw, and I don't want to sell my art since I already make enough money from work and drawing is just a hobby. Feels like any direction I can take is a specialization that will essentially lock me out of trying anything else with how much of a time commitment it is, i.e. grinding a specific fundie, perfecting drawing from imagination, elaborate paintings, animation, a comic, developing a style (which feels more like pigeonholing to me) etc.

Anyone know how to deal with this? Either from personal experience or any resources talking about it, I want to keep getting better but don't know how to go about it.