>>5882755Anon, first of all, that's a great improvement for a month. Keep up the good work.
I've skimmed the thread though, and it's been a long while since I visited /ic/, so I don't know if this is an ongoing shitstorm, but here's some non art advice:
You really should just keep drawing and stop complaining and giving excuses about your drawings.
It's nice that you're experimenting with random stuff too like the neon Willem Dafoe, but I'll be honest, it looks like shit.
You are right to take /ic/ critiques with a pinch of salt, since all of us are still learning and you don't know the level of knowledge of the person giving you the critique, but all this bitching about the responses is not going to change anyone's opinion about your art. If you think the person critiquing you is wrong, just ignore it and move on.
Take in the criticisms you think are valid, and ignore the ones you think are worthless. Arguing about it just makes you look petty.
Now about your art, this is what is making your paintings look "muddy", and it's not about blending. You're not separating your lights and shadows properly. I could find more material on the subject for you if you want, but pic related is a good summary.