No.5843365 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what happened to 4chan when you used to have be a 4channer to gain power and influence on the web but now it seems like gaining just a bit of power makes you lose interest in 4chan. I always thought that image board users were all secretly more chad-tier than the rest. We were the badass underground, we were where people of might and strength congregated but now you see an artist gain some influence and then they yeet, always seems to happen. It's as if this place is where the dregs of society goes to now, and yet I'm still here. I mean I'm kind of a chad in a way and still post here. I post pictures of chad with my opinion and that gives me power and influence here and otherwhere but i still POST HERE BECAUSE I AM LOYAL. I uninstalled Fallout New Vegas because /v/ said it's bad. I will follow 4chan to the grave, I got vaxxed but took the anti-vaxx water cleanse treatment to make sure that my sperm is at least 80% viable (Big pharma hates it). Y'know how it goes.
Would you abandon this site for "potential" happiness? I think 4chan makes me more happy than anything else. I love the feeling that wherever i go, I can say that I post on 4chan and people know that I'm a badass.