This is not the only way to make it

No.5828879 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Knowing how to draw is not making it, there are plenty of excellent artists who didn't get their break. If you do this because you love drawing then keep it up, but if you want to learn how to draw so that you can use it as a tool to accomplish your real ambitions, then please consider getting a normal career, then spending your money on an artist.

That's how it is with most of the success stories. The minds behind the biggest cartoons and videogames don't know how to draw as well as you assume. They can draw just well enough to communicate to an artist what they need, and they're the ones who get most of the money and recognition.

I know some of you see drawing as the means out of your situation, but don't let it ruin your life. We shouldn't quit if something is hard, but if you've been doing this for years without getting much results, then find something else man, go find the thing that you're good at.

I really hate to come off crabbish but I want to warn you people since this stuff hurt me so much and almost ruined my life. I want to get married and start a family and all I have to show the girl and the family is my scribbles. They want money, they want a degree, they want a career. Don't risk your romantic dreams on the chance of you making it. My parents kept telling me to go to college and do it normally but like a donkey I'd say "No mom! You don't get it! I'm gonna make it and get rich, I don't need a degree!" You can make it without touching a pencil, all of your creative ambitions can be realized without drawing a single cube if you are smart.

All of those trailblazers that you look up to and wish to imitate? They already had the skill. Bill Gates was already good at computers, Dennis Rodman was already 6'7, Warren Buffet already had a knack for making money. What about those who worked hard and developed the skill? Their talent was their unnatural drive and ambition which we lack, or they at least enjoy the process which we definitely lack.